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Soon other video Laurels

Promoter Channel " Video Besfort M1 " on You Tube , Besfort Hasan , has highlighted some of the singer Dafina recordings made ​​during her musical creativity . The whole of their conflict started long ago when the singer broke off its contract with " Video Besfort M1 " , because of cooperation made ​​by Sweden with producer Damir Jahic hammer which still continues .
According Besforti are many recordings that he possesses , which greatly Dafina has made ​​all sorts of intrigue and insult her colleagues just to be the first in the world of Albanian shoubiznesit . In one of the videos placed , Dafina through an interview at one of our televisions has not accepted the fact that it had a contract with Channel " Video Besfort M1 " and according Besforti it has been one of the many reasons that has led him to publish this video which is now making headlines portals .
" We are the ones who have raised Laurels . I felt very offended by her giving interviews in a medium Kosovo , which has never been false contracts ' Video Besfort M1 ' . She has given this statement with its custom shfalerit , Bosnian hammer . Bone of contention is the commercialization of You Tube 's or its betrayal of the M1 on the management contract of the video where we had three contracts with Laurels from 2009 2011 and 2012 . Dafina has received advance ' ALL ' from competing company " OnAir " just as broke from M1 , which has no material benefit and promote Laurels which is among the most meritorious for its success , "said Besforti for " Voice " .
According Besforti , Dafina channel " Video Besfort M1 " has materially affected , 80,000 euros is the amount that the channel is lost due to Laurel . " Amazing is a worthless whore s'ta guess . He has betrayed and has materially affected , perhaps even morally offended . All she has to sell his own family , let alone me, " he adds . Besforti intended to discriminate Laurels from the scene because he deserves it says so .
He says he will expose some of her videos , but this will do after seeing her reaction . Amazing is now abroad , but it is also expected to issue any comment from all of this video is done online .