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Spark really know surprise opinion

Spark really know Mujaj surprise opinion . As we see in very provocative poses and almost totally naked , covered her tërësisisht as a dedicated member of the Islamic religion . Finally it common greetings with nude photos that he posted on social networks , has replaced the Arabic greeting ' salaam alaikum ' , it is because we are in the holy month of Ramadan and it decided this month to devoted to religious rites dignity . But during the interview for our newsletter , it has revealed some interesting facts that were not known until now . What prompted you that after a nice long time commitment to return to Islam by putting the veil ? ( Salam alaykum ) media like me very merry , and always mix things up , especially personal things that no one knows ! . First thank you for giving me the opportunity to clarify this issue , so ' Hijab ' and also let me wish you the entire Muslim holy month of Ramadan , the month of mercy and therefore easy fast all fasting . I grew up in a Swiss family , so the Christian who took me to adapt to the time when my family was being reigned in Kosovo and war . I came to own my aunt in Switzerland where after a short time with some resentment aunt and I am left to the respective institutions where asked to go to school . After a television reportage they had seen and announced to me and I adopted and went to live in the hotel which they possessed . Whenever they went to church I stood at the door , because you say I am Muslim, but I had no knowledge about Islam , but I had an inner conviction to Allah But contact with God and spiritual inspiration as I had always small. Little by little I began to learn more prayers that thank God , except to perform an obligation I feel myself very well . Then I was covered , I want to apply all the rules of Allah be pleased with me . How was the reaction of others to your cover ? My family circle or totally shocked and thought someone pushed me were covered , as well as from Saudi society had . I feel myself very well , so well that Lord say why they lost so I feel so happy ? Indeed , even the most conditioned Mom remove headscarf saying not to go home with handkerchiefs . But dad told me to put the cover need only when you do not even pray along the way . I guess it was a little quick decision to resist all these charges , and the family had to have removed the headscarf off , then left to go inside . I also reactions from society , but nevertheless , I am still with my desire to cover . Cover will keep forever or for a short time ? For me it is important and all of you who believe another world works made ​​with sincerity for the sake of Allah and not much for show , because God knows your heart and whisper . Regarding coverage every time I cover myself in worship or prayer or read the Quran , but it seems some recent media coverage have invented around , so I asked them to leave me quiet especially in this holy month of Ramadan , transmits voice . What will happen to your profession song will go up ? I love music and I had as a hobby , I like to dance and I feel very good to be honest but sometimes some thoughts come so that those verses and phrases are really good if we analyze are useless. Eg ( the wanted , let me , where are you , etc. ) , I 've begun to believe that these are vain , I started not to feel those verses and I am really confused whether music is haram ? Any message for the end ? I wanted to say that I understand that the word ' Islam ' means respect , tolerance , peace , love , mercy, and not to get it right who think that is better than the other , because we do not know it , the God only knows . It can also be a good person who is not Muslim , but has virtues that God loves , not to forget that during this period are all on trial and if you are good today does not mean that God does the tests to the contrary or with your children . So start cleaning your heart from all the stains that possesses jealousy , backbiting anger and many vices I hear you encountered by women in the mosque coverings that go with bo prayer and start the slander . So neither beard nor coverings nothing to do when you avail various symptoms of diseases . Clean your heart doing only account for yourself . Salaam alaykum . / Fishmedia /