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Women with large behinds, healthier than others

Do not complain at all if you are a female, with large behinds, or as called this category "pear body". Once in effect, the result you are more healthy than others, so women category "apple body" (they sound and round ", or" banana body "(those tall, skinny).'s Just one study Harvard Medical School, who discovered that women first category, are protected from heart disease, diabetes and metabolic diseases. so those who have a physical structure thus pose less risk to be affected by such disease. Specifically, according to the researchers, the fat that is focused on their behinds, increases sensitivity to insulin, the hormone that transports blood sugar and regulates it, so stay away from type 2 diabetes. Moreover, a butt that looks abundant favors the production of adipokinës, ally hormone metabolism, which helps us to combat the accumulation of fat in the waist. even arterial benefit, it should be mentioned, because the female body pear-body, fat on the hips removes harmful fatty acids.